A Dangerous Method

by Apr 18, 2012Film Review

Between all the smoking and spanking in “A Dangerous Method,” lies an undiscovered country: Emma Jung played by Sarah Gadon and written by Christopher Hampton. A psychoanalyst in her own right, Emma married Jung at 22 and bore five children. Her quiet devotion to her husband imbues the movie with a Sunday kind of love. The men feint and parry and eventually fall out. The illicit lovers drown in guilt. But Emma is steadfast, ballast to Jung’s brilliant, fragile psyche. She sees her husband’s breakdown coming and tries to arrange an analysis by his former lover Speilrein to save him.

His emotional storm and eventual breakdown comes and then his rebirth. She died after 52 years of marriage and he inscribed her headstone with “Oh vase, sign of devotion and obedience.”

A Dangerous Method Movie Trailer:

Elizabeth Singer is a therapist and anger management specialist in New York City

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