Take Back Control
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Are you losing your temper at home or at work?
Relationships suffer, the kids hide, the partner flinches, the colleagues avert their eyes.
Sensitive, explosive people need more than a walk around the block. Willpower and grit can work, but not easily and not forever. If your emotional system is dysregulated, stress will bring you to the edge of your ability to manage your mood. You promise yourself you’ll do better, but you lose control. You wish you could take it all back and start the day over. You bounce between blaming yourself and blaming others and then the cycle starts again. Blaming yourself stokes shame. Blaming others cools the shame, but then anger builds again.
There’s another way. I know how to follow these feelings back to the root. I know how to find out how this fight got born, how it grew, who taught you how. And after you’ve done the work to learn everything about the history of your angry feelings, you won’t need to count to ten or absent yourself for yet another walk around the block. You’ll be on to yourself early, before it gets loud, and you’ll know how to take care of yourself.
Once you start to know yourself, you won’t be surprised by waves of feeling. They are old friends. They don’t keel you over, you ride them, or jump them, or dive under them. You know how to talk about your feelings because we’ve done the hard work of naming them in session. You start to feel like people know the real you. You can count on yourself. A bump in self-esteem is next. A little calm. Some trust. Ease.
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in New York City
Gains Continue After Sessions Stop
Learn how we can work together to uncover the roots of your anger and stay in charge of yourself.
Therapy for Anger
If you are blessed with powerful emotions its on you to figure out how to contain them.
Therapy for Depression Hiding in Anger
Rage is one way out of depression. It’s not a good way, but it’s a way. We can find another way.
Therapy for Anxiety Hiding in Anger
We oftentimes begin an anger management treatment and end up talking about anxiety.
Elizabeth Singer
27 Years As New York’s Anger Expert
I am a licensed psychoanalyst, in practice since 1997. I teach, and present clinical work to groups. I served as President of the Association side of the NPAP in the New York from 2018-2021. When I started seeing patients I was immediately drawn to people who felt a lot, almost too much. Powerful feelings are old feelings. We end up back in your early life, in the place where you grew up. We explore your childmind. I am an expert at figuring out what you were trying to master, who you tried to protect, what you wanted the way kids want things–with their whole selves.
Getting Started With Therapy
Let’s start with one 45-minute session. I’ll do what I do and you’ll see what it’s like to work with me.
After three sessions, I can recommend how many times per week you might come in and how long I think it will take.
A treatment with traction that holds a hope of something better can serve as ballast in a turbulent time.
Schedule Your First 45-minute Consultation
Choosing a therapist is an important decision. Worth more than a short phone consultation. I suggest that we speak for a full session. If you don’t feel that we are a match, I won’t bill you for that session. If we decide to work together, I will. I want you to feel confident about your decision. I want your decision to be based on the experience of a session with me.
Get In Touch
Contact me below to schedule your first session.
230 West 13th Street, New York, NY 10011