by Elizabeth Singer | Mar 12, 2017 | Anger Management Counseling, Rage, Uncategorized
Name-calling, cursing, pushing, shoving, grabbing and worse. You can’t believe it got that far, but it did, and you don’t recognize yourself. Sounds like a rage attack. Anger plus panic til you reach a tipping point, and you are out of control. It feels...
by Elizabeth Singer | Feb 22, 2017 | Anger Management Counseling, Finding a Therapist, Psychic Pain, Rage, Trust
Trust comes slow and sweaty like fog. Happy New Year The New Year begins and the lousy articles on psychotherapy appear. Like this one in the Wall Street Journal: Don’t Trust...
by Elizabeth Singer | Apr 11, 2015 | Anger Management Counseling, Rage
Workaholism Work a full day after dental surgery because after all, the dentist said that you would be fine. Ignore all evidence (pain, wooziness, irritability) that you are not fine, because, well, neglect is how it goes. Work is way more important that you. Pay...
by Elizabeth Singer | Mar 25, 2015 | Anger Management Counseling, Rage, Uncategorized
If someone held a gun to my head and told me to come up with a list of the top five traits of angry people. This would be that list. 1. You are in a hurry. Gotta do it, gotta get it done, gotta get home, gotta pick up the kid, gotta finish the project. What you...
by Elizabeth Singer | Sep 28, 2014 | Anger Management Counseling, Rage
Novice firefighters learn to put fires out by setting them. Instructors load rooms of furniture into old shipping containers, start a fire, and then show the newcomers how a room burns. In this photo, Marine firefighters watch everything in a room ignite or...
by Elizabeth Singer | Sep 21, 2014 | Anger Management Counseling, Parenting
I get a lot of calls from the spouses, partners and parents of people who need anger management. People are angry and rageful and loved ones search on the net for help and ring my phone. I wish it worked. It doesn’t. I learned it the hard way by trying and failing...